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Fall Specials With USA Gutter Window Roof Cleaning

Autumn has once again made its way to Portland and now is a great time to finalize any outdoor maintenance plans you may have such as roof or gutter cleaning. With rain and snow in the upcoming forecasts, this is the best time of year to ensure that moss, leaves and branches are not left to rot and damage your roof through the winter months.

The word “fall” derives from an old Germanic / English word, “fiael” which means, “to fall from a height,” referring to the constant falling of leaves and branches from mature trees during this transitional period of the year.
Although the autumn months are beautiful, orange, gold and red leaves everywhere, the aftermath of such beauty can devastate the integrity of your roof and gutters. A major concern going into winter is that these fallen leaves and other debris will trap and hold moisture which in turn can freeze. This increases the chances of moderate to high winds ripping the frozen debris and your shingles from your roof.

In many cases, this is the time of year that gutters are drowning with fallen leaves, pine needles and old, dead branches. As the rain runs off into full gutters, or snow melts and meets a gutter that cannot drain properly, water begins to back up onto your roof, going under your shingles and causing thousands of dollars in damage. Call USA Gutter Window & Roof Cleaning today to schedule your pre winter maintenance for your roof or gutter.

USA Gutter Window & Roof Cleaning can remedy these problems quickly and at a price that is guaranteed to beat any of our local competitors. Why wait until your property is damaged, call us today for a free quote or to schedule an appointment, we have a friendly staff member ready to assist you.

Call now to schedule your appointment: 503-995-1947

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Fall Specials With USA Gutter Window Roof Cleaning

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